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The Brand.

The Skycraft logo is new to 2019, the design originates from the initial imagery of an Eagle which has been used to represent our organisation since inception in 1989.

With a new dynamic bird, it conveys the modern nature and technology that that is abundant within our company. The blue palette encompasses the strong correlation to the sky within our business name whist giving us a fresh new look that we are pleased to put our face to.


Social Media

Our social media pages are filled with updates and pictures of projects that we’ve worked on. With the help of our staff photographer James we are able to inspire and express our love for working with aircraft. The links are at the bottom of the webpage. If you would like any further information with regards to our social media please get in touch.

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The Brochure

Our new brochure comprises of text and imagery to allow you to fully uncover what is behind the magic of SKYCRAFT. With high quality photographs taken by James and details behind the design, its a pleasant and comforting look on our company. This brochure illustrates our full range of work and the aircraft we work with.

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Our Designer

Lottsart founded by Charlotte Frost is a new imaginative graphic design company. Charlotte is a Graphic communication and Typography student at Reading University. She is responsible for the branding of SKYCRAFT and adding a fresh new look to our company graphics.


Our photography is done by James Pluck. Great at capturing those mid-flight moments in addition to taking the high quality and detailed stationary shots. He is responsible for the images used within our website and brochure. More of his work can be found on his website.

Our concept

With experience of our initial webpage using the uncomplicated methods of the WIX website builder Edward Barnett studied other website builders and chose Squarespace to grow our online presence. Edward experimented with our requirements using different pre-built templates and settled on the choice of the BEDFORD template which he adopted to great effect. Working with James (who has amassed an amazing 75,000 images stored on the online photo management application FLICKR) he selected main images to enable a pre-production version to be trailed offline and the enthusiasm of today’s live version reflects a substantial amount of his development work.

The re-branding of SKYCRAFT commenced in summer of 2018 and the innovative style emulated with the arrival of our new designer to our business. With the emergence of the changed logo, amendments were needed to combine our new brand guidelines and imagery. This process involved the adoption of Eric Gill’s font Gill sans, though much research and application. Charlotte is specialist to page layouts, combining text and images. This was invaluable within the published website.